неделя, 9 ноември 2014 г.

Ghost Story

     Being trapped on earth after your death wasn't one of the best feelings ever. My name is Ann and I was condemned to spend the rest of my miserable existence on earth because of my inappropriate way of living. Now, I admitted I may have been cruel and bitchy with everybody at school, but as Aragon would say 'It's too late'. Aragon was my closest friend of all the dead guys rambling around the city. There were a lot of us here, maybe like one thousand or more. Anyway, each one of us was here for a reason - unfinished business or something, and our mission was to find out why. We didn't eat, didn't drink or sleep, yet we were dead. We only wandered aimlessly and our idle time here was like watching an endless movie. We were here, but no one living could see or hear us, maybe they could sense us, but I was not sure. However, there were some things that we did to entertain ourselves - we could move things or write on mirrors or walls, yeah, just like the ghosts in the movies. So, we did it and then watched people freak out while we were laughing our heads off. Apart from that, being stuck here meant having a very dull and monotonous afterlife. Well, I didn't imagine afterlife like that though, I thought I would go to heaven and spend my life resting in my 6 star hotel, surrounded by hot guys serving me. Hahaha, what ridiculous irony.
     This was my fourth year as a walking dead chick, although it felt like the fortieth. I went to my family's house every week and when it hurt too much I left, with my non-existing heart broken. What sucked was that even though we were dead, we still had feelings. Imagine staying right in front of your mom or anybody from your family and them not being able to see or hear you. You couldn't hug them, tell them you were okay, not to grieve for you anymore, but to move on with their lives. No, you could only see them cry every day, again and again, and you couldn't do anything... However, a few weeks ago I was going to my family's house and Aragon came with me for moral support and something very strange happened. While we were walking down the street an old lady jumped in front of us, and I mean she really jumped. She was short and had long white hair almost reaching her feet and she had ocean-blue eyes. Her face was pale and she looked frightened as hell. But she didn't look dead at all. Then, she spoke with a hoarse voice: "Your place isn't here, you have to hide, because if somebody finds out what I did..." Her voice was full of fear and her words made no sense. "I promise I will do eveything I can to make things right again. I'm sorry..." As she spoke, a man passed by and looked at her with an amused face. And then I realised, she wasn't dead. My face was full of confusion, my heart started beating fast because she was scaring me. Aragon was standing next to me, his eyes widened in confusion, too. "What are you talking about? And who are you?" I finally managed to say something. "You weren't supposed to die...but I'll try to fix this. You don't know me and you'll never see me again." There was no fear in her voice now but determination. "Wait, what?" As soon as my words left my mouth, she had already disappeared. There was no trace of her, like she had never been there.
      The next few weeks all I could think about was this strange old lady. She wasn't dead and she could see us, how was that possible? And what she said about me not being supposed to die... All this time, I was comforting myself with the thought this was my destiny and I couldn't have done anything to change it. And now, what would I do now? I'd probably go crazy. Then I went to see Aragon to distract myself and passed by a creepy house, it seemed abandoned - there was only one window and...and something was written on it - Tonight everything will change. I blinked and it was gone. I was perplexed. And scared. I headed for the lake that Aragon used to spend most of his time. When he saw me he asked what happened. I explained to him but he laughed, saying I had probably been hallucinating. But I wasn't, I knew what I saw. We stayed there for a few hours, talking and laughing. It was already night, the sky was dark blue. I lay down on the fresh grass and the weirdest thing happened. I fell asleep. Ghosts don't fall asleep, they don't sleep. I woke up in my old room, everything was just as I remembered it - the pale pink walls, the purple cushions on my bed and my laptop laying beside them. Then mom walked in the room, I jumped out of the bed and hugged her so tightly I wasn't sure she could breathe. "Hey, are you okay, honey?" She said, but I coudn't answer. I was shocked but I was happy. I spent the day saying my sister and mom how much I loved them because I was afraid I was dreaming and I would wake up any minute. But I didn't. One day passed, two days, a week, a month and I was still with my family. Alive. I don't how this was possible, but it was real. The past 4 years that I spent as a ghost seemed to have never happened, but I knew they did. Someone, most probably the mysterious old lady, turned back time and now I was alive. I went out in the garden and there I found Aragon. He wasn't alive but I could see him. I hugged him and told him what happened. He said that when I fell asleep my soul disappeared and he found me here. He was here so those 4 years were real. But I didn't care because I had my family and I had Aragon. Nothing else mattered.

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